If I can’t sleep and want to put the TV on at 2:00am, there is no one asking me to turn it down, or off. And if I want to sleep in grandma pajamas there is no one rolling their eyes at me for being, well, a grandma! If I want 17 cats (I don’t!) I can have them, and I don’t have to consider my decorating in terms of being too feminine or .. too anything, really. It only has to appeal to me.
There’s no one to say “who are you talking to?” whenever I’m on the phone. No one to ask “where are you going?” when I walk out the door. If I want to leave the house at 11:30pm to mail a letter there is no one to ask 20 questions about what I’m mailing, who is it to, and why can’t it wait till morning?
However, there is also no one to let me know my makeup is smudged, I have cat hair on my pants, or that I’ve got chili (or wine, I guess) on my shirt so I don’t find it until it is dry and the stain is set.
Those things are important too! But important enough? Lol! NAH!
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