Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Danger Will Robinson! Danger!


I have PMS and I am on a diet. 'Nuff said.



  1. LMAO...Thanks! I needed that!

    You B Funny today...

    I once had a roommate that, upon that time of month, I used to literally place the chocolate at the foot of her door and back away slowly....

    You think I was being nice? was preservation, baby!, MINE!

  2. Before I was properly medicated (for depression) pms was a horror. My ex-husband used to gently ask me - "so-o-o ... is it time for me to take the children to a place of safety?"

    Much better now. Still - on a diet - it's a double whammy!

  3. That sounds almost like my house, except that alarm is sounded every evening when the hubby gets home and the kids have made me pull out my hair!

    I hear that extra calcium helps with does for me anyway!

  4. Oh I can really identify with this post!!!!!!
